Newspapers and journals

The library subscribes to online reference works to help you find reliable information and carry out research.

These are all free to use but you may be asked to enter the barcode number from your library card to use them at home. Some can only be used on a computer in the library.

News Bank

News Bank Logo

Explore diverse perspectives and stay informed on local, national and global topics, people and events in areas such as -

  • business
  • health
  • education
  • environment
  • political
  • social issues

Features a wide variety of credible, vetted news sources from more than 200 countries, including the Yorkshire Post and Hull Daily Mail. Available remotely 24/7 on any device with your library card.

Access the Newsbank website

British newspaper archive

Find information in historical newspapers dating as far back as the 1700s. Search by -

  • date
  • country
  • county
  • place

This resource can only be used in the library.

Access the British Newspaper Archive

PressReader logo

Get access to more than 7,000 of the world’s top newspapers and magazines. Publications from over 120 countries, in 60 different languages. You'll need to provide your library card barcode number and membership PIN to use this resource. 

Access the PressReader website or download the app

Access to research

Find articles from a wide range of academic journals. This resource can only be used in the library.

Access the Research website


Additional historical newspapers, journals and periodicals covering Hull are available to view at the Hull History Centre.

Access the Hull History Centre website